Fantastic early season daisy with early season color! Varieties are day length neutral and flower from winter through spring. Plant growth slows during the warmer summer months. Best growth occurs during cool nights. Most popular sizes are 6-inch pots and gallon containers.

Temperature: Warm propagation temperatures encourage rapid root growth. Set up propagation areas near indirect light to increase daytime temperatures. Preferred night temperature of 68 degrees F.

Fertilize: Use an initial fertilizer concentration of 75 to 100 ppm. Increase fertilizer concentration between 150 to 200 ppm at root formation.

After root: Propagation stretch can be minimized by moving rooted cuttings to an environment of increased light, reduced humidity and lower temperatures. Movement of rooted cuttings should only occur after leaves can resist wilting.

More information: After rooting, allow drying to occur between irrigations. Scheduling for rooting should be 4 weeks. Misting during the first 7 to 9 days of propagation can mitigate excessive wilting.

Environment: Environmental factors are key to exceptional Argyranthemum growth. Transition rooted cuttings at transplant to an environment of increased light, reduced humidity and lower temperatures. Recommended light concentration of 5000 to 6000 foot candles with night temperatures of 60 to 62 degrees F. Use an increased fertilizer concentration of 200 ppm.

After rooting: Allow pots to dry slightly between irrigations. Night temperatures can be further lowered to 55 degrees F with daytime temperatures around 65-70 degrees F. Light concentrations should be increased to a target of 8000 ft Candles.

More information: In warm climates with cool nights, around 45 degrees F, move plants outside to encourage branching and compact growth.

CLEAN STOCK: Susceptibility of Argyranthemum to viruses are well known. Kientzler Argyranthemum comes from Kientzler Innovaplant with a commitment to unsurpassed clean record of production reliability.

Crop Scheduling: Use the following schedules for finishing Argyranthemum Pots, 6 inch containers in Early spring should finish in 12 weeks from rooted cutting. Later Spring finish can be reduced by 1 week.

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