Temperature: The use of warm temperature propagation can rapidly encourage rooting of Coleus. Recommended environment includes use of 68 degree F. night temperature. Misting in propagation should be used for the first 3-5 days to mitigate excessive wilting. (At good callus formation the mist can be reduced) Propagation environments set up with high indirect lighting will help to warm day temperature and encourage rapid rooting.

Fertilize: Starter fertilization can begin at 75 to 100 PPM at root formation.

After root: After root initiation, stretch in propagation can be mitigated by the use of B-9 at 2500 PPM, and movement of cuttings to higher light and lower humidity environment, and pinching.

More information: Scheduling for rooting should be 4 weeks.

Environment: Environment is critical to good Coleus growth after transplant. At transplant, transition the rooted cuttings into 5 -6000 foot candle environment with night temperature at 65 degrees, cold temperature (Under 60F) are problematic to good culture.

After rooting: After rooting into final container, reduce irrigations and begin to dry slightly between irrigations. Temperature can be maintained at 65 degree nights and high of 75-80F degree day. Product can be moved to brighter light with 8000 ft candle as a target.

More information: Pinching is recommended to encourage branching and to mitigate vigorous growth. Use of cultivar selection can aid in ease of production in small pots. (See catalog for separation by growth habits)

CLEAN STOCK: Susceptibility of Coleus to viruses are well known. Kientzler Coleus come from Kientzler Innovaplant with commitment to unsurpassed clean record of production reliability.

Crop Scheduling: Use the following schedules for finishing Coleus Pots, 4 to 6 inch containers in Early spring should finish in 6-8 weeks, 8 and 10 inch containers 8 to 10 weeks. Later Spring finish can be reduced by 1 week.

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