RED new NEW!

Compact series of Delosperma with continuous flowering from Spring to Fall. Expect a final growth height of 4-6” with a width of 16-18. Prefers a sunny spot in sandy soil with good drainage. Flowers will attract bees and butterflies. Perfect for a terrace or balcony, in rock gardens, perennial borders, roof gardens, in combinations and as flowering groundcover.

Temperature: The use of warm temperature propagation can rapidly encourage rooting. Propagation areas with high levels of indirect lighting experience a boost in daytime temperatures. Recommended night temperature of 68 F. Misting in propagation should be used for the first 5 - 7 days to mitigate excessive wilting.

Fertilize: Use initial fertilizer concentration of 75 to 100 PPM.

After root: At root initiation, keep in a humid environment without mist and reduce soil moisture to a medium level.

More information: Scheduling for rooting should be 4 weeks.

Environment: Environment is critical to optimal growth after transplant. Plants will respond well to high light during the day with cool temperatures at night. At transplant, transition the rooted cuttings into a 5000 - 6000 foot candle environment with night temperatures at a minimum of 50 to 55 degrees.

After rooting: Once rooted, in final containers, reduce irrigations and begin to dry slightly between irrigations. Move finishing plants to a brighter environment with 8000 foot candles as a brightness target.

Fertilize: Raise fertilizer concentration to 150 PPM.

More information: No pinch required! Factors that will ensure the development of shoots from the central leader include increased light, lower temperatures, reduced humidity and a moisture level of 3.

Crop Scheduling: Minimum of 12-week schedule, unless building crop in a 306 or in a high-density finish form. Plants bulk best with cool night temperatures around 55 F. (Florida will be warmer.)

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